WEkEO is one of the 5 Copernicus DIAS (Data and Information Access Services). The overarching objective of DIAS is to enhance access to Copernicus data and information for further use in an efficient computing environment implementing the paradigm of “bringing the user to the data”, as one condition for unlocking the potential value of Copernicus for innovation, science, new business, implementation of public policies and economic growth.
Considering the well-structured user communities and the strong relationship existing between EUMETSAT, Mercator-Océan and ECMWF, Copernicus ClimateChange Service, the organisations have joined their efforts to implement one instance of DIAS in partnership, namely WEkEO. WEkEO is the service for marine environmental data, virtual environments for data processing, and skilled user support. WEkEO has  a public and free part for discovery and access to data and data products, while it also has a commercial part with various analysis applications and cloud space.
Type & number of data sets
The Harmonized Data Access (HAD) provides  a single access protocol (REST API) whereby scaling and evolution of codes are made easy. This way, it provides easy & fast access to subsetting attributes in hundreds of datasets from different Copernicus sources and allows uniform access to the whole WEkEO catalogue, including subsetting and downloading functionalities. The HAD provides discovery and access to:
- All the Sentinel satellite data sets: S1, S2, S3 Marine, S3 Land, S5P
- Main Copernicus Service Data products from:
- Copernicus Marine Service
- CMEMS Copernicus Atmospheric Service: CAMS
- Copernicus Climate Service: C3S
- Copernicus Land Service: CLMS