Global Fisheries Atlas

The Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF) and the Fisheries Atlas (FA) VLabs developed in the Horizon 2020 project Blue-Cloud are already operational. GRSF is a knowledge management VLab dealing with best practices by implementing Semantic Web technologies. FA is a spatial data management VLab, complying with OGC standards to manage syntactic interoperability. The VLabs will be extended to capture fisheries data and environmental parameters on a global scale.

In Blue-Cloud 2026 The Global Fisheries Atlas VLab will provide a single and FAIR-compliant entry point for end users to discover, access and understand the state of stocks and fisheries worldwide. GFA will combine GRSF and FA, thereby integrating and harmonising new datasets relevant for fisheries variables.

The current R-based data workflow will be strengthened to become more robust and more generic. Extensive use of OGC standards for spatial (meta)data management will foster data discovery, interoperability, and reuse. Standard data formats and access protocols will be used to disseminate new datasets and DOIs will be assigned to ensure their long-term availability and citation. Semantic interoperability will be facilitated by knowledge management technologies.