Blue-Cloud Hackathon

The Blue-Cloud Hackathon is an open invitation to marine scientists & researchers, data scientists, ICT experts, innovators, students, and anyone who is passionate about the Ocean to explore and test Blue-Cloud: A new, Open Science platform for the marine domain offering a wealth of data, analytical tools and computing power to support you in developing solutions for a safe, healthy, productive, predictive and transparent Ocean.
Participants will be challenged to develop applications that contribute to improving knowledge of marine ecosystems; support the transition to a greener, blue economy; advance Ocean literacy; and/or enhance international collaboration towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
How to participate
Register for the hackathon via
Get familiar with Blue-Cloud
- Follow a 3-week (optional) virtual ideation warm-up at your own pace and learn about Blue-Cloud’s services & tools. The warm-up kicked off on 17 January 2022, the agenda is available here
Form a team and propose your idea
- During the warm-up, you will be able to engage with other participants through this platform and you will be able to form and/or join a Team to shape the idea that you will work on during the hackathon.
Participate in the 3-day virtual hackathon
- Together with your Team and your Blue-cloud Mentors, build your idea to decode the Ocean, and win prizes! The final pitching and award event takes place on 9 February 2022, the agenda is here
Challenge Categories
- Understanding the Ocean - How might we use collaborative science to advance knowledge of plankton and the key role it plays in supporting life in the Ocean?
- Feeding the World - How might we balance our need to source healthy food from the Ocean to feed the World today with the need to secure a healthy Ocean for future generations?
- Predicting environmental risks - How might we use environmental indicators to understand complex phenomena affecting marine ecosystems and detect changes in their status with sufficient time to respond?
- Wild Card: Hack the Blue-Cloud! - How might we use Blue-Cloud to advance knowledge of the Ocean? Or to support the transition to a more sustainable Blue Economy? Or to promote Ocean literacy? Or to advance international cooperation to deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
- 17 January – 4 February, 2022 - Training, Innovation & ideation Workshops, matchmaking & team formation
- 7-9 February 2022 - 3-Day Live Hackathon - Hacking time, coaching sessions, delivery proof of concepts, and more!
- 9 February 2022 - Winners announcement - Judges will announce the winners of the challenge!