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Ocean Best Practices - OBPS Workshop VII & Focus Sessions

OBPS Workshop VII & Focus Sessions
Other Event
9 October 2023 09:00 – 20 October 2023 18:00

The OBPS Workshop VII, 2023 will explore the 10 selected challenges set by the UN Ocean Decade and the ways that Ocean best practices support some “common” solutions for collective impact. We welcome UN Ocean Decade Actions and Programmes participation.

The online free workshop will be divided into two sessions per day, each session of ninety minutes (each day about 3.5 hours in total). In the week following the Workshop, Focus Sessions have been organized by groups to discuss their challenges and coordination. They are free and open to all.

For further information on Workshop and Focus Sessions see the OBPS Workshop VII website.

UN Ocean Decade Challenges

Challenge 1:  Understand and beat marine pollution
Challenge 2:  Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity
Challenge 3:  Sustainably feed the global population
Challenge 4:  Develop a sustainable and equitable ocean economy
Challenge 5:  Unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change
Challenge 6:  Increase community resilience to ocean hazards
Challenge 7:  Expand the Global Ocean Observing System
Challenge 8:  Create a digital representation of the ocean
Challenge 9:  Skills, knowledge and technology for all
Challenge 10:  Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean

Official webpage