WEBINAR: Marine Environmental Indicators

Marine Environmental Indicators:Â Providing multi-source datasets to researchers and policymakers
After the successful first webinar in June 2020, introducing the five Blue-Cloud real-life demonstrators, over the next months we will get to know each one of them through individual virtual meetings. Experts from the partners involved will provide the most relevant details about the technical and conceptual issues that are being tackled thanks to the Blue-Cloud framework.
The third webinar in this series took place on 4 December 2020, introducing Marine Environmental Indicators, the demonstrator developed by the CMCC Foundation, in collaboration with IFREMER, Mercator Ocean International, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), and the University of Bergen.
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This demonstrator will develop an online service, bringing together into the same framework the data, the computational resources, and the cloud-based technology, in order to support European and international stakeholders within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and for exploiting the Blue Economy. Upon the foreseen development in Blue-Cloud of innovative data management technologies and methodologies, the demonstrator will build a bridge between the science and the environmental agencies, responding to the urgent need of developing an innovative flexible capability for both the scientific investigation of climate trends and the monitoring activities.
Learn more on "Marine Environmental Indicators"
- 11:00 - Introduction, Blue-Cloud Vision and Mission - Francesca Spagnoli, Trust-IT Services
- 11:05 - Demonstrator prototype and initial marine indicators - Massimiliano Drudi, CMCC Foundation
- 11:15 - The ocean patterns indicator - Andrea Garcia Juan, IFREMER
- 11:25 - Storm Severity Index (SSI) - Jan Willem Noteboom, KNMI
- 11:35 - Benefits and needs of a marine carbon indicator - Benjamin Pfeil, University of Bergen
- 11:45 - Q&A
Massimiliano Drudi (CMCC Foundation)is a Researcher at Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) division of CMCC Foundation. He is the service responsible for the Physical Component of Mediterranean Sea MFC in the Copernicus Marine Service. From 2006 to 2018 he has worked at INGV in the operational oceanography division and he has been involved in several international and national projects for the development of operational services and data access systems. He has been Service Manager Responsible of the Mediterranean Sea MFC from 2009 to 2015 during the EU projects MyOcean, MyOcean2 and MyOcean FO, and he was in charge of the development of algorithms for the online computation of MSFD indicators in the EU project MELODIES. He holds a M.Sc. in Engineering degree for Computer Science, and a post-master degree in Scientific Computing.
Andrea Garcia Juan (Ifremer) works in LOPS (Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing), as research engineer in IT and statistics. In this demonstrator, she works on machine learning based indicators, applying unsupervised classification algorithms to oceanographical data. Andrea's background is in Physical Oceanography, Data Sciences and statistics. She holds a Msc in Climate and Ocean Sciences by the Paul Sabatier University and the University of Toulon (France). She has a strong experience working with in-situ data (she has been involved in Argo Floats related European research projects such as MOCCA and EA-RISE) and ocean modeling.
Jan Willem Noteboom (KNMI) is a researcher at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). He manages since 2016 the KNMI Datalab that facilitates and explores data-driven innovations using AI/Machine Learning and (big)data from both traditional and newly opportunistic data sources. He has worked more than 25 years in Information Technology. His experience covers analysis and development of information systems and managing projects to deliver systems. He has strong knowledge of data architectures, data analytics and modelling, and geographical information standards. He holds a MSc in Electrical Engineering (MSc).
Benjamin Pfeil (University of Bergen) is the head of the Bjerknes Climate Data Centre at the University of Bergen, Norway and has been the Acting and Deputy Director of the Ocean Thematic Centre of RI ICOS. He has been involved in major international data management efforts in the field of marine biogeochemistry (SOCAT and GLODAP) and has been responsible for the data management for more than 25 projects. He has a strong link to the international scientific marine biogeochemistry and data management community through various networks. He is co-chair of the data sub-committee for the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), member of the Scientific Steering Group of IOC UNESCO/SCOR’s International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), the Research Infrastructure Committee of RI ICOS, the Executive Council for IOC UNESCO/IAEA’s Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON), Steering Committee member of CMEMS INSTAC and has been a member of the OECD Global Science Forum expert group on International Coordination of Cyber-infrastructures for Open Science. His group is leading marine data activities ICOS OTC and Norwegian EMSO.
Francesca Spagnoli (Trust-IT Services) is the Coordinator of the Blue-Cloud project and Senior Project Manager. She holds a Master's Degree in Media & Communications and a PhD in Economics (Innovation Management) from the University of Rome La Sapienza. In the past 11 years she worked as Senior Project Manager and Coordinator of several national and EU-funded projects for governments, research centers and companies in different fields (AI, Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, Healthcare, Smart Cities, Big Data, IoT, Media, Telco, Transports, Social Innovation, Open Innovation, Cultural Heritage, Blue Economy). She has been also Communication Leader of several EU projects. Francesca has been awarded as Young Researcher Ambassador of the EC at ICT2013 and has been responsible to provide a strategy for the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development aimed at implementing Cloud Computing technologies and assessing its potential socio-economic impact.