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IODE and Blue-Cloud, a learning experience - An interview with Peter Pissierssens

26 January 2022

The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the IOC UNESCO and Blue-Cloud can learn from each other, as highlighted in this interview by Peter Pissierssens - Head, IOC Project Office for IODE and IOC CD Coordinator at UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission.

IODE as a global network can help widen the EU-based initial scope of Blue-Cloud, while the latter can provide concrete examples of long-standing expertise through the data infrastructures involved (such as EMODnet and SeaDataNet), operating in the field over twenty years.


A collaboration is already being implemented, for example between the Ocean Infohub ODIS and Blue-Cloud, or the OceanTeacher Global Academy and Ocean Best Practices System.

"We are very much looking forward to increased collaboration, because Blue-Cloud will also help us (IOC and IODE) to develop the next layers, going from ocean data collection, management, and the development of products, to become more relevant to society, to provide services for policymakers and other ocean stakeholders. That's where we are today."

Researchers can already discover and access ocean data from leading European infrastructures through the Blue-Cloud Data Discover and Access Service (DD&AS), launched in late 2021 and accessible with a Marine ID.

Test the Blue-Cloud DD&AS
